It Might Be You

My It Might be Me Moment

Leah McIntosh Season 1 Episode 1

Join host, Leah McIntosh in this first episode of, "It Might be Me". In this episode Leah shares her, it might be me moment.

Episode Key Points:
- Learning the true freedom that you find in forgiveness.
-  Leah's background as a wife, furmom, and sponsor residential provider.
-  How her journey started in 2016. [04:00]
- Sickness derailed Leah's life. [11:00]
- Identify the root of the issue. [14:00]
- Her journey now. [22:00]

New episodes release on Thursdays!
Follow me on Instagram at @SuperiorThinkerInc and keep up with all things, Leah and the podcast.
Thanks for listening! 

Leah First Episode

[00:00:00] Leah McIntosh: Welcome to it might be me podcast. I'm your host, Leah McIntosh who are here to help you understand that on the other side of that pain and trauma is your transformation. There may be some limiting beliefs, negative emotions and private struggles that have led you to having more. It might be. I'm here to help you learn to adapt let that because we are created to be limitless.

My hope is with each episode, you've move free and understood. Willing to accept that. Although some of our past decisions landed us in a place of uncertainty. We are only one decision away from living our best lives. Now let's go.


Hey hey hey, welcome to the first episode of it might be, as you already know, I'm your host, Leah. [00:01:00] And I want to share my it might be you me moment, um, which led me down the path that I'm on now. And I also want to share kind of what my vision is and who this podcast was really created for. Um, so with that being said, this podcast is for uh, women who are success driven, who are dealing with maybe some private struggles that they just don't know how to overcome. Um, I was there. I know exactly how you feel. Um, mainly my struggles were. Not being able to practice [00:02:00] self forgiveness for things. Um, and so you're going to hear me talk about that a lot.

Um, that is like one of the, I think pillars or me to be able to move forward in my life was learning the true freedom that you find in forgiveness. So, yeah, we're going to talk about that. I will have amazing guests also that come on and share their moments that they realize, you know what? This actually might be me.

I need to make some changes. Um, and they're going to share their transformations. And I look so forward to you be able to hear their stories as well, so that you know that you're not alone in this, and that you can overcome things. So without further ado, I'm going to kind of give you a little bit about me.

So I am a, a wife and a fair mama. I have [00:03:00] two crazy little miniature snouzers named Aiden Ariel. And that also, which is, um, huge for me, I'm also a sponsor residential provider. So what that means is that. I have two amazing differently abled individuals that actually live at my home with me and my husband.

And they, one of them had been with me for a number of years and, um, another one that he's newer to us, but we just adore them both. So that's a little bit about me right now. I'm originally from Kansas and I now live in, Virginia with my husband, as I said before. And yeah, that is where I'm at. As far as what I do on a daily basis.

[00:04:00] Now I want to kind of jump right into my journey and it started in 2016. I started really. Diving deep and got introduced into the personal development realm. At that point, I didn't really know much about it. I mean, I heard and knew about self-help books and stuff like that, but in the African American community, that's not something that we really, I don't know, aspire to.

It's not something that's really talked about. And so for me, it was an adjustment and it's a funny story, kind of how it happened, because it wasn't something that I planned at all. So what happened was like so many of us, I was Facebook stalking somebody [00:05:00] and, um, it was this gentleman who ultimately became my millionaire mentor.

He had put up some posts about. I don't know, making, you know, a substantial amount of money or whatever using Facebook. So, you know, that intrigued me because at that point I had recently quit working in the corporate world and was my own boss. So with that, I was starting to learn. Okay. You know what? I was open, I guess, to more streams of revenue.

And I had gotten past this feeling of feeling guilty or making that amount of money that I was making at that point in time, because I was so used to working 40 to 60 hours a week to make, not even [00:06:00] half of what I was making at that point. So. I reached out to them. I responded, I raised my hand and we got on a Skype call and he started asking me basically kind of prospecting and interviewing me to see really where my mind was at.

And one of the questions that he asked was on a scale of one to 10, how serious are you about starting a online business? And I answered eight. I thought that was solid. Um, and at that point he said, well, you're not, you know, I'm not going to work with you because you're not serious enough. Um, I've seen it time and time again, if you're not a hundred percent in there, you're ended up, you're probably going to end up falling off.

So the type of person that I was, I kind of took, [00:07:00] well, not kind of, I took offense to that, like, excuse me, you know, like, Really, and I use that as fuel to show him. But the one thing that I can say about him is that he didn't just drop that bombshell and say, well, you're not, you know, worth working with, he instead gave me some tools, which ultimately started me down my journey.

So he suggested that. I join this online community that focused on business development and personal development, and also read several books. One of which is one of my favorite books. Now I'm “ask and it is given”. And so I followed his, um, suggestions and I got into this community and I just absolutely loved it.

[00:08:00] And I also ended up joining him in business later on. But what happened was right before I did all the, all of his suggestions, I still had that little feisty fire, like, well, I'm gonna show him, I don't care what he says. And I joined this affiliate program on one of his links that he had shared, and it was like, I had some idea of what I was doing, but it was still ignorance on fire.

But what ended up happening is that within 24 hours, I had introduced like 30 people to the business. And so of course he reached out and was like, hold on. What are you doing? Because I just talked to you, what in the world? You know, and I shared what I was doing and he, was so happy and excited for me. He edified me on his Facebook page and [00:09:00] you know, that was exciting for me because I had been trying to learn internet marketing since I was 21.

And I mean, I spent thousands of dollars jumping from opportunity to opportunity and not realizing that I was missing. The most important key component, which was a mentor that already had the success that I wanted. So long story short, I started really getting involved in this online community and I decided to join their coaching program.

And that changed the trajectory of how and what I believed about making. Income online. So what happened was I did this workshop. It was a three-day workshop. And during that [00:10:00] workshop, I got my first sell and it was just, you know, amazing from there. I started learning how to build an email list. I learned all these amazing things.

I started. Getting regularly recognized for hitting the leaderboards and getting edified on that company's pages. I recently just recently found out somebody reached out to me on Facebook and was like, “Hey, I seen that testimonial video you gave” at their companies like their annual company. Not it wasn't a mastermind, but.

Well, I guess it was like a mastermind with thousands of people. Did it really work for you? And I'm like, I wouldn't have given that testimonial if it didn't, but then you would think that I would have had my, it might be [00:11:00] me moment with all of that, but it wasn't that it, that was not it. What ended up happening for two years, I started that in 2016 and by. the end of 2017, you know, I had had a lot of success. I was really happy, but then I got sick and that completely derailed the momentum that had been creating and the community that been creating and what happened was after that, I got into this funk and I started to feel like I didn't want to show up online anymore.

Or that, how dare you have that audacity to show up? Um, when you've been gone and I hadn't even been gone that long guys, it was like maybe two weeks and I was still sick, but I was in this perpetual funk. [00:12:00] Two weeks became two months, two months became two years. I did not show up online. I could not. Show up and I had this, uh, loop.

This thought of, you are an imposter. There's nothing than anybody wants to hear from you. You've been gone offline for two years. Nobody that you've been established relationships with are going to take you serious anymore. Then this was the story that I kept telling myself over and over and over. So I was telling, I told a good friend of mine.

I just had this love, hate relationship with social media. I didn't have that before. I did not have that before. I use it as a tool to establish relationships [00:13:00] and, um, you know, grow a business. But because I had been kind of out of the loop and in this funk, I couldn't get past that. So it was now 2019 and I was scrolling Facebook and I came across this ad for this event called create your life or something or another, and something just, I didn't know what you should go.

And it was a. Three day event. And I went ahead and bought the ticket. And then I reached out to a cousin of mine and asked if she would like to go. And it was just random cause she and I had not spent any time together in years, but something just said reach out. So she agreed and we met up and in Charlotte, North Carolina for the weekend and [00:14:00] that event is where my moment happened. It was the last day one Sunday. The event was amazing. I learned so much, and this particular technique that they taught helped me to identify the root of the issue. See before anything else that feeling that I was telling you though, that funk, that I was in that wasn't the first time that I had got into that.

Um, and as I look back, I think it was kind of like always there, there would be days that I would wake up and just feel this heaviness right in the center of my chest. It was so unexplainable. Like I could not get [00:15:00] rid of it. And I would just, I hated that feeling like, what is it? It was just this block.

Basically. It felt like a block of weight and I could not get past it. And like I said, there were several times over my life that I would get in that bunk. And I just never knew what that root cause of that was until that day. And so we used that technique to identify the root cause of our anger sadness and hurt.

And I realized that I was angry. That's what that weight was. I was angry at situations past trauma that I dealt with in that I had adopted this identity of. A victim and I didn't even realize it. I had [00:16:00] been in that identity for decades and I didn't even know it. I thought that I had resolved it with therapy and, you know, I thought I was okay, but I wasn't.

And so I was able to release the anger, the hurt and. That changed my life. That was, it might be me. That was that moment for me. What ended up happening is that with releasing that anger, I realized I forgiven everybody else surrounding the trauma while I said I had, but I had, did not forgive myself. And the trump trauma that I speak of is I, as a child, I was sexually [00:17:00] molested for numerous years.

And of course that caused a lot of things to manifest itself as an adult. Um, but we'll get more into that. Topic and thing. I think that as we go out, I don't want to get too heavy on our first episode, but with that, it brought this overwhelming sense of peace and that heaviness was virtually gone. I woke up with that daily for years and years and just got used to it.

I got so good at ignoring it that. I would only notice it when I was like in those funks. So one other thing that was amazing, that happened that weekend is that my cousin also learn that same technique to help her with [00:18:00] her anxiety. And she's been anxiety free since December of 2019. She will be on, another episode and she has shared her story. That that was amazing. Um, because she was somebody that suffered tremendously. But, um, yeah, that weekend was life changing for me. And that's one thing that I want you to understand is that it does not have to take months and years of therapy. I do suggest that if you do.

Struggled from trauma that you definitely work with a professional, but there are other modalities and heart-centered providers that can help you as well. So anyways, with that being said, that started my journey down personal development. [00:19:00] I was introduced that we can to in LP, which is. Near Orland wisdom programming and the study of the study.

I'm sorry. Excellent. I also learned about time techniques, which is what helped me to have that amazing life-changing shift and several other amazing techniques and things. So I decided at that point, I want to learn everything there was to know about NLP. Like I want to know and want to fully submerge myself because clearly in a business changed me for the better and helped me to get rid of this pain and trauma response that I hadn't, hadn't been able to get past even doing.

Um, guys, I tried it all. I did talk therapy. I did sex [00:20:00] therapy. I did all kinds of things to kind of, um, work on myself. I will say that I got the most out of going into sex therapy because my therapist at the time use hypnotherapy on me and that changed some things for me as well. I had suppressed a lot of the negative, um, memories.

And one of the things that we talked about when I was in therapy with her was if you don't process what happened, it's just going to stay there dormant. And that's basically what happened. And so with that, I had this fascination about hypnotherapy because I knew. How powerful it was and what it did for me.

So my journey up until [00:21:00] now has consisted of I'm now a master practitioner in NLP. I'm a master. I hate no therapists. I'm a master life and success coach. And, um, the list goes on as far as other things that, um, Uh, certified in, but one, I think of my prize certifications is Hona Pono, Pono. I'm going to talk more about what that is on another episode, but that also really helped me to start severing ties, uh, energetically say anything or not anything, but, well, yeah, anything.

Anyone that was not serving my highest good and where I wanted to be. So yeah, that is my journey up until now. [00:22:00] I also, um, am in the works, I guess I should say I'm still working towards becoming a trainer of NLP. So with that, I I'll be able to train others. To become NLP practitioners and master practitioners.

So I'm really excited about that, but, um, yeah, that's my journey. And the whole purpose of this podcast is for you to learn how to adapt, learn. Self-forgiveness. Exactly. Like, what does that look like? How does that feel and how it can, how you can start moving forward in life, especially if you feel like you're just drifting alone.

Um, and you just can't get a grip or, you know, you want [00:23:00] to have success, but something's holding you back and you can't identify it. You can't get to the roots of it. So we're going to talk a lot about those things. We're going to talk a lot about finding, you know, maybe blocks that you have around money blocks that you have around success.

We're going to talk about all those things and how you can blast through those things that are holding you back with this podcast. So with that being said, I'm going to end this intro to me. And my, it might be a moment and I hope that you come back and that you have an amazing, amazing day. Thanks.


Thanks for listening to another episode of it might be you. I release new episodes on Thursdays and make sure to follow me on Instagram at @SuperiorThinkerInc so that you can keep up with all things, Leah and the podcast. Thanks for listening.